Bob Fingerman
author : Bob Fingerman
Bob Fingerman is the award-winning creator of such critically acclaimed graphic novels as Beg the Question, White Like She, and Recess Pieces. In his novel Bottomfeeder, Fingerman tossed away the typical gothic and romantic trappings of the vampire genre in favor of portraying the down-to-earth story of a working class Queens-bred vampire. In Recess Pieces, Fingerman whipped up a bloody maelstrom of adorable moppets and the living dead set within the confines of a school. In the uneasy romantic roman à clef Beg the Question he presented anxious young love in the streets of Brooklyn long before gentrification. His graphic novel From the Ashes is a "speculative memoir" set in the post-apocalyptic ruins of New York City. He has a short story in the zombie anthology The Living Dead 2. He lives in New York City with his wife, Michele.